Spring Has Arrived

Warm breezes, cherry blossoms blooming, blue skies, beer and smiles everywhere... spring has arrived in Japan. Hope you're all enjoying the day wherever you may be.

The new Subie BRZ parked under some cherry blossoms.

Yoyogi park was overflowing with people and fun.

Random jump rope going on, people were walking by and randomly jumping in.

Tokyo NIPPO regional on Sunday.

Thought I'd put some pics up of the traditional show collars etc for anyone interested.

Show leashes. Yes, things are expensive here.


  1. I was in Yoyogi Park too. Most crowded place I have been since the Kanamara Matsuri. The Cherry Blossoms were beautiful.

    Hope you had a good Hanami party Shigeru!

  2. It was great, thanks. Hope you had one too!

  3. Great photos! I like the BRZ, I wish we didnt get the watered down version though.


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