So I was rifling through my old blog yesterday and realized it was a lot more fun. Well it was more of a blog, there were a lot of stories, and somehow since I've set up 'THE NIHON KEN' (caps intended!) I've gotten all serious.

Everyone who knows me will probably agree that I tend to come across rather serious and responsible at first glance. Stick around for a while though and you will see that I am quite a corny goof as well. Actually, there's a fair sampling of corny photos of me on Facebook. So here, from the book of faces, are a few pictures from the other night.

Went out for all-you-can-eat/all-you-can-drink (yes, it's actually economically possible to have that on the menu here) 'shabu-shabu' with friends, and then charged on hard to karaoke.

We start off looking pretty normal.

 And then it gets fun.


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