2017 NIPPO Grand National Location

The 2017 Nihonken Hozonkai (NIPPO) Zenkokuten (national exhibition), often referred to as the Grand National, will take place on November 18th and 19th in Wakayama city. On Saturday the 18th, the medium and large breeds will be shown, and on Sunday the 19th, the Shiba. Here is the address and a link to google maps.

1517 Kemi, Wakayama-shi, Wakayama-ken
Wakayama Marina City, Number 3 Parking Lot

If you have any questions regarding the show please contact NIPPO directly by phone, fax, or email.
TEL:+81-3-3291-6035 FAX:+81-3-3291-1985 email: nippo@nihonken-hozonkai.or.jp

See you all there!
