So NIPPO is the first of the Nihon Ken registries in Japan to fully translate their website into English, and now also has an active Instagram account as well! I believe they have just surpassed the Japan Kennel Club in social media and anglicized web presence.
The best part of this is probably the fact that the NIPPO standard, and almost more importantly, the NIPPO Judging Resolutions, have been translated and are downloadable from their site.
This project has been over a year in the works, and is long overdue, but hopefully everyone overseas trying to preserve the Japanese breeds will find it useful. The JKC has recently held 2 online seminars discussing the Akita and Shiba standards, and I was honored to be asked to translate for them. The Norwegian Nihon Ken Club has also just about finished a Shikoku breed compendium, and I imagine it will be available this summer.
The Japanese breeds have a great group of fanciers and breeders overseas now, and I'm happy that the registries and preservation societies here in Japan are really seeing the need to produce material in English for everyone. I've put a lot of sweat and tears into these projects, and hope I've done them justice in my interpretation and translation. Just know I put my heart and soul into them and did my best. While I'm dialing back the amount of time and energy I put into the preservation scene, these projects were the massive elephants on my to do list that I wanted to complete.
A smile crosses my face as I think about when this all started for me almost 20 years ago. That thought automatically connects to memories of all the dogs (and people) that have been part of the journey. Haru, my first Kai, and of course I think of Baron. It is amazing to think about the journey that these breeds we love have gone through to be with us today.
Congratulations Kato. Many thanks for your contribution and pulling this together.