Taking Pictures of Dogs

While there are of course millions of ways to take a cute or amazing picture of your dog, if you're trying to capture a good picture of a dog, in a flattering angle that shows its proportions, here's what to look for.

Get in position at roughly a 45 degree angle in front of the dog, and just slightly higher than level with it. What you're looking for is a shot that gets all 4 legs in the picture, and with the dogs head facing directly ahead, you want to be able to get both eyes in the picture.

Something like this.

I have a NIPPO judge to thank for these tips. I didn't get this picture just right, but it was the best of the bunch I took in the pouring rain of Kuromasa Go, a terrific black sesame Shikoku adult male. I'll be seeing him again at the NIPPO national in November!
