Awa Sekiryuume Go: 51 days

In between spring showers, I let the pups out and snapped a few pictures. Seki's ears just stood up today, and all of a sudden she's looking rather stunning. She's been my number 2 pick out of the KotofusaxTochimitsuhime litter, but if I were to pick today, she'd be my first pick.


  1. Good lord Shigs she is beautiful.

    1. Sent the pictures to a few NIPPO judges. They likey.
      From birth, her muzzle has been a bit narrow, but being a female I don't think it will be too much of an issue for the ring.
      The biggest issues for me will be structure and size. Both Hime and Bisho have poor topline/rear end. It's something I'm trying to fix with these two breedings since Koto and Taka both have very nice structure and toplines.
      Hime and Bisho are also both at the bottom end of the size standard, and Seki is the smallest pup in this litter.

  2. Сhanging rapidly as puppies, this is cool!

    1. Yes, every day is exciting, watching the changes, getting an idea of how they will end up as adults.


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